What I've been up-to - An update from Liz Redwood

This third and seeming never ending lockdown has made me realise how listening to music reading, watching films, theatre (remotely), TV and other arts are integral to my mental wellbeing. And I’m sure a lot of people can relate to that. Like everyone else I have been experiencing a degree of lockdown apathy which has somewhat clogged my creative flow. However, I have done SOME writing (but then my guilty brain is still nagging ‘not as much as you should have Lizzy!’). 

So, what have a done? Well, I finished the first draft of my second full length play ‘Always Something There to Remind Me’. It’s still very much in the early stages of development and I’ve got changes to make in the second draft. Mostly it needs livening it up a bit and two of the characters need to be more dimensional. But I love this story and I’ll be looking to get this play performed, probably in 2022 (that seems such a long time away) so no rush then.

I also finished a short audio play called ‘Philophobia’ which is a play of two voices, about what we are prepared to give up for love. Absolutely no action in it whatsoever, just a conversation that twist and turns with the characters emotions. 

As well as writing I’ve been reading plays, most noticeably Arthur Miller. I’ve never read any of his stuff before but now I have I can see who he’s considered one of the greatest playwrights. Brilliant dialogue and characters, I’ve been inspired, he’s given me a really good idea for a future play. I’ve also read a few short plays by women playwrights which were interesting in the diversity of subject matter and writing styles. Looking to read more plays by women so if anyone has any suggestions let me know. 

Also, an exciting piece of news is that after an application process and an interview (in which I was extremely nervous!) I have been invited to join the Liverpool Royal Court Stage Write Playwright Development Programme. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn and develop my writing. There is going to be a lot of work involved but I can’t wait to get started and I’m looking forward to meeting and working with the other writers and the team at the Royal Court.

And finally, Chris has asked me to write three short audio plays for Likeminded Productions that will be linked to Kristallnacht (I think he likes to stop me getting bored!) These plays will be based on the characters from the three short monologues I’ve written. These are powerful and at times traumatic stories but ones that need to be told. The plays will be produced later this year so watch this space.  

Well, I’m off to think of ideas for my new play. Hopefully, I will be seeing my theatre making friends soon, in person, and oh isn’t that going to be something to look forward to!

Words by Liz Redwood

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